
032c, Berlin
100% Biz, New York
Abraaj Capital Art Prize, Dubai
Aki Books, Toftesgate
Amir Zaki, Los Angeles
Anna Helwing Gallery, Los Angeles
Area Sneaks, Los Angeles
Art2102, Los Angeles
Art & Seoul, Seoul
Bas Morsch, Amsterdam
Benzanoe, London
Bücher & Hefte, Berlin
Bypass, Lisbon
CalArts School of Art, Los Angeles
Capricious, New York
Carvalho Bernau, The Hague
CCC, New York
Charlie White, Los Angeles
Cheap Art America, New York/Los Angeles
Christoph Keller, Berlin
Christoph Keller Editions, Eigeltingen-Münchhöf
C Magazine, Toronto
Coins, New York
Condiment, Victoria
Cornerkiosk Press, Oslo
CultureEDIT, Los Angeles
David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles
der:die:das, Zurich
DM Art Books, New York
Ein Magazin über Orte, Berlin
Family, Los Angeles
Fellows of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Fillip, Vancouver
FormContent, London
GARAGISME Éditions, Paris
Glen Cummings and Adam Michaels, New York
Harsh Patel, Los Angeles
Hassla Books, New York
HomeShop, Beijing/Berlin
Hunter and Cook, Toronto
I-20 Gallery, New York
IFS, Ltd., New Haven
Infos and Updates, New Haven
In The Pines Books, Jackson Hole
Inventory Books, New York
Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht
Karl Haendel, Los Angeles
Keith Bormuth, Los Angeles
Kingsboro Press, New York
Kunsthalle Bern, Bern
Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, St Gallen
Kunstverein, Amsterdam
Landucci, Guadalajara
Laura Bartlett Gallery, London
Laura Palmer Foundation, Warsaw
LAXART, Los Angeles
Manuel Raeder, Berlin
MATERIAL Press, Los Angeles
mediabus, Seoul
MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent
Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis
Mono.Kultur, Berlin
Mörel Books, London
Myung Feyen, The Hague
Museum Paper, Stockholm
n+1 Foundation, Inc., New York
Nieves, Zurich
Occasional Papers, London
OK-RM, London
onestar press, Paris
Outpost Journal, New York
P & Co., Los Angeles
Pages, Rotterdam
Paperback, London
Paper Monument, New York
Participant Inc., New York
Passenger Books, Berlin
Peres Projects, Los Angeles/Berlin
Public Fiction, Los Angeles
PWR Paper, Gothenburg
Rafaela Drazic, Warsaw
Rainoff Books, Sydney
Regency Arts Press, New York
Roma Publications, Amsterdam
Schnauzer, Vancouver
Seems, New York
Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago
Shannon Ebner, Los Angeles
Silvia Prada, New York
Slavs and Tatars, Brussels
Teknisk Industri AS, Oslo
Textfield, Los Angeles
The Book Society, Seoul
They, Los Angeles
Tramnesia, New York
Unpiano Books, San Francisco
Veneer, Portland
Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier
Vier5, Paris