Slavs and Tatars, Kidnapping Mountains
Softcover, 96 pp., offset 4/1, 20 x 26 cm
Edition of 1250
ISBN 978-1-906012-19-9
Published by Book Works
$32.00 ·
Kidnapping Mountains is a playful and informative exploration of the muscular stories, wills, and defeat inhabiting the Caucasus region. The book is comprised of two parts: an eponymous section addressing the complexity of languages and identities on the fault line of Eurasia, and Steppe by Steppe Romantics, a restoration of the region’s seemingly reactionary approaches to romance.
Art, Book Works, Boy Vereecken, Criticism, Culture, Gerrie van Noord, Graphics, Jane Rolo, Kasia Korczak, Payam Sharifi, RAM, Slavs and Tatars, Typography, Victoria Camblin

Wilhelm Hein, You Killed the Underground Film or the Real Meaning of Kunst bleibt… bleibt…
Softcover, 120 pp., offset 1/1, 150 x 210 mm
Edition of 2000
ISBN 978-3-00-020345-9
Published by Passenger Books
$25.00 ·
The texts in this book relate to Wilhelm Hein’s eponymous film project, which he has been working on since 1989. The film now comprises about 15 hours of 16mm film, in black-and-white and color. “Wilhelm Hein demands that the viewer of his film be free of any preconceived idea of cinema,” writes critic Cecile Chich in the first of two excellent essays on this epic work-in-progress. The book also includes black and white photos, a lengthy interview with the German auteur and a filmography. Includes texts by Cécile Chich and Marc Siegel, an interview with Wilhelm Hein and photographs by Annette Frick.
Annette Frick, Art, Cecile Chich, Film, Marc Siegel, Passenger Books, RAM, Wilhelm Hein

Noah Horowitz and Brian Sholis, The Uncertain States of America Reader
Softcover, 204 pp., offset 1/1, 155 x 255 mm
Edition of 2000
ISBN 978-1-933128-21-4
Published by Sternberg Press
$35.00 ·
What do artists read? What articles, books, reviews — and cartoons, cookbooks, memoirs and film scripts — influence their work? Here are some answers from the participating artists in the Uncertain States of America exhibition in Oslo and London in 2005. This book, a companion to the exhibition catalog, is an eclectic compilation of material that gives the reader a deeper insight into the influences that created the show. From Dora Apel’s Art Journal article on Torture Culture to Giorgio Agamben’s Le Monde piece on his refusal to visit the United States because he will not allow electronic archiving of his fingerprints, this is a thought-provoking reader for our times. Contributions by Julian Stallabrass, Johanna Burton, Isabelle Graw, Andrea Fraser, Pamela M. Lee, Miwon Kwon, Matthew Jesse Jackson, Jack Bankowsky, Chris Kraus, David Barringer, Bernadette Corporation, Seth Price, Kirk Varnedoe, Tim Griffin, Ralph Rugoff, Matt Wolf, Hamza Walker, Paul Chan, Giorgio Agamben, Critical Art Ensemble, Gregory Sholette, Alan Gilbert, Robert Morris, Iain Boal, T.J. Clark, Joseph Matthews, Michael Watts, Dora Apel, Kymberly N. Pinder, Molly Nesbit, Trisha Donnelly.
Andrea Fraser, Art, Bernadette Corporation, Chris Kraus, Critical Art Ensemble, David Barringer, Dora Apel, Giorgio Agamben, Gregory Sholette, Hamza Walker, Isabelle Graw, Jack Bankowsky, Johanna Burton, John Bowe, Julian Stallabrass, Kirk Varnedoe, Kymberly N. Pinder, Matt Wolf, Matthew Jesse Jackson, Miwon Kwon, Molly Nesbit, Paul Chan, Ralph Rugoff, RAM, Retort, Robert Morris, Seth Price, Sternberg Press, Tim Griffin, Trisha Donnelly

Maria Fusco and Ian Hunt, Put About: A Critical Anthology on Independent Publishing
Softcover, 194 pp., offset 4/1, 190 x 255 mm
Edition of 2000
ISBN: 1-870699-70-X
Published by Book Works
$40.00 ·
Put About: A Critical Anthology on Independent Publishing presents a timely discussion about independent publishing and publishing by artists, focusing on books where the makers keep control of every aspect of production through to distribution. Combining an interest in what and why publishers and artists feel compelled to deliver such materials, together with the economic models, audience and networks of association that can give independent productions a wider cultural presence, this book features a broad range of written and visual pieces alongside ‘case-studies’ from a selection of contemporary international publishers. Contributors include: John Baldessari, Simon Bedwell, Michael Bracewell, Andrea Brady, Cabinet Magazine, Bonnie Camplin, Maurizio Cattelan, David Dibosa, Matthew Higgs, Stewart Home, Lucy Lippard, Emily King, Gunilla Klingberg, Jakob Kolding, John Miller, Paul D. Miller aka Dj Spooky, Aleksandra Mir, Stéphanie Moisdon, David Osbaldeston, Raymond Pettibon, Lynne Tillman, Nicolas Trembley, and Axel John Wieder.
Aleksandra Mir, Andrea Brady, Art, Axel John Wieder, Bonnie Camplin, Book Works, Cabinet Magazine, Criticism, David Dibosa, David Osbaldeston, Emily King, Gunilla Klingberg, Ian Hunt, Jakob Kolding, John Baldessari, John Miller, Lucy Lippard, Lynne Tillman, Maria Fusco, Matthew Higgs, Maurizio Cattelan, Michael Bracewell, Nicolas Trembley, RAM, Raymond Pettibon, Simon Bedwell, Stéphanie Moisdon, Stewart Home, Stuart Bailey

Jim Shaw, Everything Must Go
Softcover, 150 pp., offset 4/1, 8.25 x 10 inches
English and French
Edition of 2000
ISBN 2-919893-23-8
Published by Smart Art Press
$25.00 ·
A survey of his career from 1974 to the present, Everything Must Go is the first catalogue to incorporate the full range of Jim Shaw’s profoundly original and idiosyncratic work. From the massive 170-piece multimedia work My Mirage to his Thrift Store Paintings, Dream Drawings, and Dream Objects, Shaw has created a fantastic visual narrative that references diverse outside sources, moments of personal history, and fragments of our collective cultural consciousness. His highly individualized “outsider” perspective has established Shaw as a seminal figure in Europe and the United States, and he has contributed significantly to the influence of Los Angeles in the international art community. Essays by Amy Gerstler, Doug Harvey, Mike Kelley, Noëllie Roussel, and Fabrice Stroun.
Amy Gerstler, Art, Doug Harvey, Fabrice Stroun, Jim Shaw, Mike Kelley, Noëllie Roussel, RAM, Smart Art Press

Howard Loxton, all color book of Kittens
Hardcover, 62 pp., offset 4/4, 215 x 290 mm
Edition of 5000
ISBN 0-7064-0325-8
Published by Octopus Books
fair, missing dust jacket, worn cover, interior in good condition.
all color book of KITTENS, published in 1974 by Octopus Books, London. A collection of 108 photographs of kittens being as cute as they can, doing kitten things: drinking milk and playing with string. Black and white illustration on front and back cover, all color photographs inside. Contents: You and your kitten; The new arrival; The variety of kittens; Discovery and exploration; In high places; Kittens at play; Acknowledgments.
Animals, Cats, Culture, Howard Loxton, Kittens, Octopus Books, Photography, Used

Rebecca Blake, Forbidden Dreams
Hardcover, 132 pp., offset 4/4, 11 x 13 inches
Edition of 10,000
ISBN 0-7043-2475-X
Published by Quartet Books
$40.00 ·
very good, with dust jacket, shelf wear, first edition, excellent reference copy.
Forbidden Dreams (1984) is the first monograph by Belgian-born, New York-based photographer Rebecca Blake. Elegant and darkly alluring fashion photography/erotica from the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Culture, David Leddick, Fashion, Lina Wertmuller, Photography, Quartet Books, Rebecca Blake, Used, Vincent Gagliostro

Maya Hayuk, Round The Way
Softcover, 20 pp., offset 4/4, 195 x 255 mm
Edition of 1000
ISBN 978-3-905714-79-1
Published by Nieves
$14.00 ·
In the olden days — when Europeans still thought the earth was flat — the universe was sometimes compared to the inside of a human skull. This was our notion of the infinite that lies beyond the world we live in, as a reflection of the infinity of our powers of thought and perception. This comparison, and the discovery of the most far-flung corners of the universe using the Hubble Space Telescope, are the basis of
Ultra, Ultra Deep Fields by Brooklyn artist Maya Hayuk.
Round the Way is a collection of paintings from the last two years leading up to Ultra, Ultra Deep Fields, Maya Hayuk’s exhibition at MU. Next to Round the Way Maya Hayuk also compiled the double CD soundtrack Inside Spaces, that will be available in a limited edition through MU.
Art, Distribution, Maya Hayuk, MU, Nieves

Huge Supplement
Softcover, 24 pp., offset 4/4, 195 x 255 mm
Edition of 1000
Supplement to Huge Magazine No. 72
Published by Nieves
$12.00 ·
Huge Supplement (supplement to Huge Magazine No. 72) with Beni Bischof, Chris Johanson, Dimitri Broquard, Hendrik Hegray, Ingo Giezendanner, Johanna Jackson, Kim Gordon, Rita Ackermann, Stefan Marx, Warja Lavater, and Will Sweeney.
Art, Beni Bischof, Chris Johanson, Dimitri Broquard, Distribution, Hendrik Hegray, Huge Magazine, Ingo Giezendanner, Johanna Jackson, Kim Gordon, Nieves, Rita Ackermann, Stefan Marx, Warja Lavater, Will Sweeney

Raffi Kalenderian, Memoranda
Softcover, 24 pp., offset 4/4, 195 x 255 mm
Edition of 1000
ISBN 978-3-905714-85-2
Published by Nieves
$18.00 ·
In Kalenderian’s works everything plays on the foreground. There are no horizons and no perspective. The artist reveals his world directly to us, showing us his friends, as if he had no secrets. His friends often seem melancholic while their environment is very colourful. Colourful details of clothes, materials or furniture seem to be striving to attract the spectator’s attention and distract from the figures. We often encounter the figure Shanti. Shanti is the artist´s brother. He is painted as a young man, sometimes almost androgynous, sometimes like a tough guy. It remains uncertain whether Kalenderian wants to reveal something to us about Shanti, Frankie or Elizabeth with his paintings. None of the figures look directly at us, but all of them seem to be in contact with us. We are the witnesses of their existence.
Memoranda, the title of the book and exhibition, can be likening portraiture to notes and memos kept for history, but not too specific to take away from someone’s own unique experience. In fact Kalenderian’s works are, as the artists himself states, a proof or better an evidence of existence.
Art, Distribution, Nieves, Raffi Kalenderian, Shanti Kalenderian

Jürg Lehni and Alex Rich, Things to Say (Viktor)
Softcover, 16 pp., offset 1/1, 195 x 255 mm
Edition of 1000
ISBN 978-3-905714-70-8
Published by Nieves
$14.00 ·
Viktor there was
Hektor, a relatively simple spray-can output device driven by two motors. Invented in collaboration with the engineer Uli Franke, it made its debut as Jürg Lehni’s art-school graduation project at the Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne (ECAL) in 2002 and has performed regularly ever since.
Far from being a closed mechanical device — a black box between creative impulse and output — the concern of Hektor (and now Viktor) is the nuanced interaction between the user and the technologies of communication. The drawing machine Viktor is an amalgam of digital and mechanical technologies. A collage of tools, all of which were invented for other general and specific uses.
In response to the position of such technologies, Lehni together with Alex Rich started an ongoing e-mail correspondence about various devices, systems and technologies with which their work had a resonance. Lehni and Rich constructed an archive, one that they came to call A Recent History of Writing & Drawing and which inspired their installation at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (2008).
Upending assumptions that any one kind of communication is more authentic, more direct or more valid that any other, A Recent History of Writing & Drawing finds meaning, texture and poetry in the most unlikely places.
Things to Say (Viktor) is the first in a series of collected drawings produced in collaboration with invited guests to perform with Viktor every Thursday evening at the ICA throughout the duration of the exhibition, curated by Emily King.
Alex Rich, Art, Distribution, Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne, Emily King, Hektor, Jürg Lehni, Nieves, Uli Franke, Viktor

Peter Piller, Materialien (C)
Softcover, 62 pp., offset 4/4, 155 x 205 mm
Edition of 1000
ISBN 978-3-905714-84-5
Published by Nieves
$20.00 ·
Photographic portrait of the near surroundings of Ruhrschnellweg, freeway 40 in Bochum, Dükerweg with allotments, car tuning, cemetery, Burger King, noise barrier and fire station.
Art, Burger King, Distribution, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Nieves, Peter Piller, Photography

Will Sweeney, As Above So Below
Softcover, 16 pp., offset 5/5, 195 x 255 mm
Edition of 1000
ISBN 978-3-905714-78-4
Published by Nieves
$14.00 · out of stock –>
As Above So Below is a visual narrative based on a series of randomly selected photographs from my collection of National Geographic Magazine, dating between 1940 and the present day. The idea was to take visual motifs from a version of the real world and push them into the realm of the subconscious, a kind of dream generator. Dreams are made up of fragments of experiences, elements of stories which when laid side by side, often become striking or fantastical. Using a random number generating website I created a series of numbers. Each series became a month, year and page number, which were then cross referenced with a corresponding magazine. The first image that came up was from an article describing an archeological dig at a Corsican pagan tomb, the second a photograph of temple street market in Hong Kong, other references came up with pages of text and I would fix upon a phrase or name which conjured up an interesting image — such as an unfinished castle, upon an island or an animal shedding it’s skin. The theme of crossing dimensions and of an event happening simultaneously across the world emerged. The title comes from medieval hermetic philosophy, and relates to the alchemical relationship between microcosm (the body) and macrocosm (the universe).
Art, Distribution, National Geographic, Nieves, Will Sweeney